Sweet or Treat? Don't stop training!

The season of celebrations has arrived. However, you don't have to sacrifice your physical health and exercise goals to enjoy this holiday. Discover how you can find the perfect balance between celebrating and caring for your body through physical activities and healthy choices.

Follow these tips and maintain the training pace:

  1. Daily training: You won't always feel motivated to train, so it's important to stay disciplined with one type of activity every day. It's not about breaking personal records all the time, a simple walk will keep you active enough to maintain the daily habit.
  2. Complete Diet: It is crucial for runners to increase their focus on self-care. An effective measure would be to establish a balance and a balanced diet, to include all food groups while continuing to train or if they decide to take a break.
  3. Training with Friends: Surrounding yourself with people with similar wellness goals is a great motivation to stay healthy. Joining a group of running friends not only strengthens camaraderie and mutual support, but also acts as a shield against

The fundamental message lies in the importance of maintaining your healthy habits and your training routine during the holidays.

It is perfectly feasible to fully enjoy all the experiences that the holidays bring, adopting healthy and beneficial approaches to your well-being.