Skipping: The technique to boost your running training without injury

For those who train to run a race, marathon or just for fun, injury prevention is a key aspect of long-term running success. One technique that has gained popularity in running circles is skipping; a simple but effective technique that not only improves performance, but also reduces the risk of injury.

Running is one of the most effective forms of cardiovascular exercise and there are appropriate techniques to optimize performance and minimize the risk of injury. In this context, skipping functions as a fundamental tool for self-care.

The Science of Skipping

Skipping, also known as running without moving forward, has been shown to significantly activate essential running muscles; this technique not only strengthens leg muscles, but also improves neuromuscular coordination, which can translate into a more efficient stride during running.

The combination of impact and knee lift in skipping activates the stabilizer muscles, providing a solid foundation for improved performance.

Boosts endurance and speed

Skipping not only improves technique in a run, but can also help strengthen the lower body to prevent injury and helps save energy when running. The combination of explosive and fast movements in skipping mimics the physical demands of running, leading to improved endurance capacity and speed of response.

Injury prevention is a constant concern for runners, and skipping can play a crucial role in this regard, as it helps to strengthen the stabilizing muscles around the joints, which reduces the risk of common musculoskeletal injuries in runners. By improving stability and balance, skipping provides an additional layer of protection against running-related injuries such as sprains and muscle strains.

Implementing skipping into your training routine doesn't have to be complicated. Starting with short sessions and gradually increasing the intensity can provide significant benefits. It is important to incorporate a proper warm-up before skipping to prepare the muscles. In addition, the technique should be performed with care and attention to form to maximize the benefits and minimize the risk of injury.

Here's how you can perform skipping sessions:

  1. Standing, face forward with feet hip-width apart and shoulders and arms at your sides.
  2. Lift your right knee toward your chest, slightly above waist level, and move your left arm forward.
  3. When you have the correct position, lower the right leg by moving the left arm back.
  4. These movements should be repeated quickly as you switch to the left leg and right arm.
  5. Alternate in sets of 20 seconds of exercise for 10 seconds of rest.
  6. Variations may include the exercise on tips, circular leg, among others.

Skipping can be a valuable tool for any runner looking to strengthen muscles and improve endurance and speed, while preventing injury.