Discover the story of Faviola Perez, one of the winners of the Bimbo Global Race CDMX 2023 and get motivated on World Runner's Day

(World Runner's Day - June 5th)

The countdown has begun, in less than four months we will be celebrating the 9th edition of the Bimbo Global Race and, if you haven't decided to run yet, stay, because today we will tell you the story of Faviola Sarai Perez Igari, who overcame all her fears in the world of running, to become the winner of the Bimbo Global Race CDMX 2023.

Faviola remembers the day she signed up for her first 10K race and, although many people persuaded her to enroll in a shorter race, her desire to learn about this sport led her to participate. This race had long climbs, so by the 6K, the runner was already very fatigued, but her strength got her to the finish line.

Since then, Faviola has been determined to train in an integral way and that's how she looked for the support of a professional coach, no matter if it was to participate in 400 mts flat or in a marathon, this accompaniment can't be missing. In addition, she assures that his progress has been personalized and fun.

Faviola's sister proudly belongs to Bimbo Group, that's why the runner heard about the Bimbo Global Race a few years ago and, since then, she has run every September, but 2023 was different, because thanks to her constant training she became one of the winners of the Bimbo Global Race CDMX.

“It makes me feel very proud and gives me great satisfaction. Although the Bimbo Global Race took place in several cities, for me Mexico City was a challenge because the race has undulating roads, and the altitude was also a determining factor,” said Faviola.

Another factor that has inspired her to continue in the world of running, beyond being the best, is to motivate more people to challenge themselves through sport, so Faviola calls on everyone, from children to adults, to put on her shirt and go running this coming Sunday, September 29th.

Finally, you can be part of the Bimbo Global Runners community through the app where you can follow your training and interact with other runners. We also invite you to visit where you will find even more news. What are you waiting to sign up?