Learn about the beginning of the Bimbo Global Race and join us to share the good things


Today, the Bimbo Global Race is known as the largest race for a cause worldwide organized by Grupo Bimbo, but do you know the beginning of this sport event, which today attracts runners from more than 34 countries?

Before 2015, Grupo Bimbo was already organizing races, although these were limited to employees of the company. It was Daniel Servitje, Executive President of Grupo Bimbo, who had a global vision and gave the green light for what would be the first Bimbo Global Race, then known as the Global Energy Race.

At that time, the race was projected as a space to promote healthy habits and physical activity among employees, clients and the community in general. At the same time, the global reach of Grupo Bimbo was leveraged to create an international event, which would be held simultaneously in several cities around the world.

In addition, the Bimbo Global Race was committed to becoming an event to bring people together around a noble cause: feeding a better world. In this sense, an innovative system was designed in which for each registered person, 20 slices of bread would be donated to food banks. In 2020, due to health restrictions, the race had to migrate to the digital plane; from there, the virtual community was born, in which for each registered person, 2 slices of bread began to be donated.

As we can see, since its beginning, the Bimbo Global Race has gained not only popularity, but also the love and respect of hundreds of runners who take to the streets of their town year after year, to promote a clear message: share a moment together while helping those who need it most.

Bimbo Global Race 2024

For the 9th edition of the Bimbo Global Race, the commitment is to break a new record with more than 150,000 runners registered in more than 34 countries, which will make it possible for Grupo Bimbo to donate more than 3 million slices of bread to food banks.

To achieve this goal, the Bimbo Global Race offers different formats. In the physical race, 3k, 5k and 10k can be run, in the men's and women's categories, which allows the participation of runners with different skill levels. In addition, the virtual community allows participants to run the kilometers they want from the place they decide.

Are you ready? See you on September 29th to continue making history!